
Some updates

SO MANY PEOPLE ARE MAKING GROUPS! So let's make a little list of the groups and my opinion of them; remeber opinions, don't get mad ;]
Dioguardi Group- Meh, it has good projects, but they aren't as active as I wish they were. They should get some gossip blogs, liven up the place ;]
Fashion Group- Yes, just yes. They have fresh ideas, cool projects, and just total awesomness.
Owner: Mary
PR Now- Meh they may have Fierce, but that's all really. I don't think it will last too long, maybe a month or two. Tyler has his head up a bit to high on this one.
Owner: Tyler
Disturbia Group- I might say this because I don't like the owner to much, but I think it's a crash and burn project. Really? After you get fired from DG and 2 other blogs you do this? And the banner looks to much like DG's old one.
Owner: Lolita :P
Beatule Group- Very new, and I like it, but sadly, I don't think it will work. To much compition you know? But I do expect alot from them ;]
Owner: Blahm3

No links, sorry.

Now Admire Magazine fans, I have some info for you, I doubt it's news though. But if it is, well, yay. The August Issue's Covergirl will be Lilly Rose. And the owner is trying to book Alice for November. No guarntees, but I am pretty sure about September, and no she didn't tell me this. I had to figure it out myself. Don't ask, kaye?

The gossip has been sorta low, and nothing other then the above is new. Oh, my club!
It's a modelling club called BelieveMA (Modelling Agency) so BMA is basically a modelling scout for my coming soon magazine. Sinead one of my bestest stardoll buddies (sd_is_da_best) is the co owner. And a very good graphic designer if I may say so. Were hosting a SNTM, with the pize of 400 stardolls, and Believe Magazine's covergirl. We are looking for a large group (20 peopl) so apply now! Check out sd-bma.blogspot.com for more info.

Got gossip?
Guestbook me, message me, chat me, anything.

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